

总体4分, 在介绍基本的SQL语句使用的时候大量示例, 读完能比较透彻的使用


2. 数据类型

2.3 日期和时间类型

类型 所占空间 存储说明
datetime 8字节 Eight bytes: A four-byte integer for date packed as YYYY×10000 + MM×100 + DD and a four-byte integer for time packed as HH×10000 + MM×100 + SS
date 3字节 A three-byte integer packed as YYYY×16×32 + MM×32 + DD
timestamp 4字节 A four-byte integer representing seconds UTC since the epoch ('1970-01-01 00:00:00' UTC)
year 1字节 一个字节的整数
time 3字节 A three-byte integer packed as DD×24×3600 + HH×3600 + MM×60 + SS


2.3.1 datetime和date

datetime可以表达的日期为1000-01-01 00:00:00~9999-12-31 23:59:59


2.3.2 timestamp

存储的范围1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC到2038-01-19 03:14:07, 起实际存储的值是1970-01-01 00:00:00到当前时间的毫秒数


  • 线上范围不一样
  • 建表时, timestamp的日期可以设置一个默认值, 而datetime不行
  • 在更新表时, 可以设置timestamp类型的列自动更新时间为当前时间

创建表时, 可以用default设置默认时间, 也可以用on update 设置当更新时取当前时间

mysql > create table t (
    -> a int,
    -> b timestamp default on update current_timestamp
    ->) engine=InnoDB;

2.3.3 year和time


year(2)可以显示的范围是1970~2070, 其中00~69代表2000~2069年

mysql> create table t (a year(2));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.07 sec)

mysql> insert into t select '1990';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.06 sec)
Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from t ;
| a    |
|   90 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

2.3.4 与日期和时间相关的函数


mysql> select now(), current_timestamp(), sysdate(), sleep(2), now(), current_timestamp(), sysdate()\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
              now(): 2021-07-21 09:35:15
current_timestamp(): 2021-07-21 09:35:15
          sysdate(): 2021-07-21 09:35:15
           sleep(2): 0
              now(): 2021-07-21 09:35:15
current_timestamp(): 2021-07-21 09:35:15
          sysdate(): 2021-07-21 09:35:17
1 row in set (2.00 sec)

No query specified




mysql > select now(), date_add(now(), interval 1 day), date_sub(now(), interval 1 day)\G;

*************************** 1. row ***************************
                          now(): 2021-07-21 09:37:27
date_add(now(), interval 1 day): 2021-07-22 09:37:27
date_sub(now(), interval 1 day): 2021-07-20 09:37:27
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

No query specified

除了day 还有关键字 microsecond, second, minute, hour, week, month

2.4 关于日期的经典SQL编程问题

2.4.1 生日问题

根据某个用户的出生日期和当前日期, 计算他最近的生日, 问题是如何正确处理闰月

在生日问题中, 一般对闰月29号生日的处理如下:

  • 如果是闰月, 那么返回2月29日
  • 如果不是闰月, 则返回3月1日


| name               | birthday   | birth_day  |
| Lanphier Xiaopeng  | 1964-02-28 | 2021-02-28 |
| Doering Monique    | 1954-02-28 | 2021-02-28 |
| Peak Owen          | 1963-02-28 | 2021-02-28 |
| Rusterholz Bikash  | 1958-02-28 | 2021-02-28 |
| Stasinski Fumitaka | 1956-02-29 | 2021-03-01 |
| Haddadi Fei        | 1954-02-28 | 2021-02-28 |
| Taubman Rafols     | 1960-02-29 | 2021-03-01 |
| Fargier Macha      | 1964-02-28 | 2021-02-28 |
| Benzaken Jamaludin | 1960-02-29 | 2021-03-01 |
| Gubsky Neven       | 1959-02-28 | 2021-02-28 |


| name               | birthday   | birth_day  |
| Lanphier Xiaopeng  | 1964-02-28 | 2020-02-28 |
| Doering Monique    | 1954-02-28 | 2020-02-28 |
| Peak Owen          | 1963-02-28 | 2020-02-28 |
| Rusterholz Bikash  | 1958-02-28 | 2020-02-28 |
| Stasinski Fumitaka | 1956-02-29 | 2020-02-29 |
| Haddadi Fei        | 1954-02-28 | 2020-02-28 |
| Taubman Rafols     | 1960-02-29 | 2020-02-29 |
| Fargier Macha      | 1964-02-28 | 2020-02-28 |
| Benzaken Jamaludin | 1960-02-29 | 2020-02-29 |
| Gubsky Neven       | 1959-02-28 | 2020-02-28 |


  • 查询今年当年多少岁
  • 按mysql逻辑计算今年的生日日期
  • 因为mysql当非闰年时, 生日为2月29号的则会被改为2月28日, 所以需要进行判断是否需要加一天
select name, birthday,
    if (cur>today, cur, next) as birth_day
from (
    select name, birthday, today ,
        date_add(cur, interval if (day(birthday)=29 && day(cur)=28, 1, 0 ) day ) as cur,
        date_add(next, interval if (day(birthday)=29 && day(next)=28, 1, 0) day ) as next
    from (
        select name, birthday, today, 
            date_add(birthday, interval diff year) as cur,
            date_add(birthday, interval diff + 1 year ) as next
        from (
            select concat(last_name, ' ', first_name) as name, 
                birth_date as birthDay,
                (year('2020-01-26 09:02:09') - year(birth_date)) as diff ,
                '2020-01-26 09:02:09' as today
            from employees 
                where month(birth_date) = 2 && ( day(birth_date) =28 || day(birth_date) = 29  ) 
                limit 10
            ) as a
        ) as b
) as c ;

2.4.2 重叠问题


mysql> select * from sessions where  app = 'app1' and usr = 'user1';
| id | app  | usr   | starttime | endtime  |
|  1 | app1 | user1 | 08:30:00  | 10:30:00 |
|  3 | app1 | user1 | 09:00:00  | 09:30:00 |
|  5 | app1 | user1 | 09:15:00  | 09:30:00 |
|  7 | app1 | user1 | 10:45:00  | 11:30:00 |
| 17 | app1 | user1 | 10:15:00  | 10:40:00 |




mysql > select, a.usr, a.starttime, a.endtime, b.starttime, b.endtime 
        sessions a, sessions b
    where = and a.usr = b.usr and = 'app1' and a.usr = 'user1'
    and( b.endtime >= a.starttime and b.starttime <= a.endtime);

| app  | usr   | starttime | endtime  | starttime | endtime  |
| app1 | user1 | 08:30:00  | 10:30:00 | 08:30:00  | 10:30:00 |
| app1 | user1 | 09:00:00  | 09:30:00 | 08:30:00  | 10:30:00 |
| app1 | user1 | 09:15:00  | 09:30:00 | 08:30:00  | 10:30:00 |
| app1 | user1 | 10:15:00  | 10:40:00 | 08:30:00  | 10:30:00 |
| app1 | user1 | 08:30:00  | 10:30:00 | 09:00:00  | 09:30:00 |
| app1 | user1 | 09:00:00  | 09:30:00 | 09:00:00  | 09:30:00 |
| app1 | user1 | 09:15:00  | 09:30:00 | 09:00:00  | 09:30:00 |
| app1 | user1 | 08:30:00  | 10:30:00 | 09:15:00  | 09:30:00 |
| app1 | user1 | 09:00:00  | 09:30:00 | 09:15:00  | 09:30:00 |
| app1 | user1 | 09:15:00  | 09:30:00 | 09:15:00  | 09:30:00 |
| app1 | user1 | 10:45:00  | 11:30:00 | 10:45:00  | 11:30:00 |
| app1 | user1 | 08:30:00  | 10:30:00 | 10:15:00  | 10:40:00 |
| app1 | user1 | 10:15:00  | 10:40:00 | 10:15:00  | 10:40:00 |


服务商允许多个session的连接, 并把其计费统计为1次


mysql > create view v_s_s as
    select distinct app, usr, starttime as s 
    sessions as a 
    where not exists (
        select * 
        sessions as b 
        where =
        and a.usr = b.usr
        and a.starttime > b.starttime
        and a.starttime <= b.endtime 
    ) and = 'app1' and a.usr = 'user1';

| app  | usr   | s        |
| app1 | user1 | 08:30:00 |
| app1 | user1 | 10:45:00 |


mysql > create view v_s_e as
    select distinct app, usr, endtime as e 
    sessions as a 
    where not exists (
        select * 
        sessions as b 
        where =
        and a.usr = b.usr
        and a.endtime >= b.starttime
        and a.endtime < b.endtime 
    ) and = 'app1' and a.usr = 'user1';

| app  | usr   | e        |
| app1 | user1 | 11:30:00 |
| app1 | user1 | 10:40:00 |

合并两张表, 并通过min函数取得结束时间

mysql > select distinct, s.usr, s.s,
(select min(e) from v_s_e as s2
where s2.e>s.s and = and s.usr = s2.usr) as ee
from v_s_s as s, v_s_e as e
where = and s.usr = e.usr;

| app  | usr   | s        | ee       |
| app1 | user1 | 08:30:00 | 10:30:00 |
| app1 | user1 | 10:45:00 | 11:30:00 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql > select app, max(count) as max
from (
    select app, s,
        select count(1) from sessions as b
            where = and s>=starttime and s < endtime
    ) as count
    from (
        select distinct app, starttime as s
        from sessions
    ) as a
) as bc
group by app;

| app  | max  |
| app1 |    4 |
| app2 |    3 |

2.5 数字类型

2.5.1 整形

类型 占用空间(字节) 最小值(signned/unsigned) 最大值(signned/unsigned)
tinyint 1 -2^7/0 (2^7-1)/(2^8-1))
smallint 2 -2^15/0 (2^15-1)/(2^16-1))
mediumint 3 -2^23/0 (2^23-1)/(2^24-1))
int 4 -2^31/0 (2^31-1)/(2^32-1))
bigint 8 -2^63/0 (2^63-1)/(2^64-1))

3. 查询处理

3.1 逻辑查询处理



(8) select (9) distinct<select_list>
(1) from <left_table>
(3) <join_type> join <right_table>
(2)   on <join_condition>
(4) where<where condition>
(5) group by<group_by_list>
(6) with{cube|rollup}
(7) having<having_condition>
(10) order by<order_by_list>
(11) limit <limit_number>


  • from子句中的左表<left_table>和右边<right_table>执行笛卡尔积产生虚拟表VT1
  • on: 对虚拟表VT1应用ON筛选, 只有符合<join_condition>的行才被插入虚拟VT2中
  • join: 如果指定了outer join, 那么保留表中未匹配的行作为外部行添加到虚拟表VT2中, 产生虚拟表VT3, 如果FROM子句包含两张表以上, 则对上一个连接生成的结果表VT3和下一个表重复执行步骤1~步骤3, 直到所有表结束
  • where: 对虚拟表VT3应用where过滤条件, 只有符合<where_condition>的记录才被插入到虚拟表V4中
  • group by: 根据group by子句中的列, 对VT4中的记录进行分组产生, 产生VT5
  • cube | rollup: 对VT5表, 进行CUBE或ROLLUP操作产生表VT6
  • having: 对虚拟表VT6应用having过滤器, 只有符合<having_condition>的才会被插入到VT7中
  • select: 第二次执行select操作, 选择指定的列, 插入到虚拟表VT8中
  • distinct: 去除重复数据, 产生虚拟表VT9
  • order by: 将VT9按照<order_by_list>进行排序操作, 产生虚拟表VT10
  • limit: 取出指定行的记录, 产生虚拟表VT11
mysql> select * from customers;
| customer_id | city     |
| 163         | HangZhou |
| 9you        | ShangHai |
| baidu       | HangZhou |
| TX          | HangZhou |

mysql> select * from orders;
| order_id | customer_id |
|        1 | 163         |
|        2 | 163         |
|        3 | 9you        |
|        4 | 9you        |
|        5 | 9you        |
|        6 | TX          |
|        7 | NULL        |


mysql > select c.customer_id, count(o.order_id) as total_orders
from customers as c 
left join orders as o
on c.customer_id = o.customer_id
where = 'HangZhou'
group by c.customer_id
having count(o.order_id) < 2
order by total_orders desc;

3.1.1 执行笛卡尔积

如果from子句前包含a行数据, from子句包含b行数据, 那么虚拟表VT1将包含a*b行数据

3.1.2 应用on过滤器

对于普通表达式而言, 逻辑表达式的值只有两种 true和false

mysql> select 1 = null;
| 1 = null |
|     NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select null = null;
| null = null |
|        NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

对于比较返回值为NULL, 用户应该将其视为UNKNOWN

对于ON过滤条件下的NULL比较, 此时比较结果是UNKNOWN, 但会被视为false来处理

但在下面两种情况, 认为两个NULL值的比较是相等的

  • 在group by子句中, 所有NULL值分配到同一个组
  • 在order by子句中, 所有NULL值排列在一起
mysq >  select * from t;
| a    |
| a    |
| NULL |
| b    |
| c    |
| NULL |

对其order by

mysql> select * from t order by a ;
| a    |
| NULL |
| NULL |
| a    |
| b    |
| c    |

对其group by

mysql> select a, count(1) from t group by a;
| a    | count(1) |
| NULL |        2 |
| a    |        1 |
| b    |        1 |
| c    |        1 |


mysql> select *
    -> from customers as c
    ->  join orders as o
    -> on c.customer_id = o.customer_id;
| customer_id | city     | order_id | customer_id |
| 163         | HangZhou |        1 | 163         |
| 163         | HangZhou |        2 | 163         |
| 9you        | ShangHai |        3 | 9you        |
| 9you        | ShangHai |        4 | 9you        |
| 9you        | ShangHai |        5 | 9you        |
| TX          | HangZhou |        6 | TX          |

3.1.3 添加外部行

这一部值在连接类型为outer join 时发生


非保留表中的数据被赋予NULL值, 最后生成虚拟表V3

mysql> select *
    -> from customers as c
    -> left join orders as o
    -> on c.customer_id = o.customer_id;
| customer_id | city     | order_id | customer_id |
| 163         | HangZhou |        1 | 163         |
| 163         | HangZhou |        2 | 163         |
| 9you        | ShangHai |        3 | 9you        |
| 9you        | ShangHai |        4 | 9you        |
| 9you        | ShangHai |        5 | 9you        |
| baidu       | HangZhou |     NULL | NULL        |
| TX          | HangZhou |        6 | TX          |

3.1.4 应用where过滤器

在当前用用where过滤器中, 有两种过滤是不被允许的

  • 由于数据未分组, 因此现在还不能在where过滤器中使用where_condition=min(col)这类数据进行过滤
  • 由于没有进行行的选取, 因此在select中使用列的别名也是不被允许的, 例如select city as c from t where c='ShangHai'
mysql> select *
    -> from customers as c
    -> left join orders as o
    -> on c.customer_id = o.customer_id
    -> where = 'HangZhou';
| customer_id | city     | order_id | customer_id |
| 163         | HangZhou |        1 | 163         |
| 163         | HangZhou |        2 | 163         |
| baidu       | HangZhou |     NULL | NULL        |
| TX          | HangZhou |        6 | TX          |

3.1.5 分组

mysql>  select *
    -> from customers as c
    -> left join orders as o
    -> on c.customer_id = o.customer_id
    -> where = 'HangZhou'
    -> group by c.customer_id;
| customer_id | city     | order_id | customer_id |
| 163         | HangZhou |        1 | 163         |
| baidu       | HangZhou |     NULL | NULL        |
| TX          | HangZhou |        6 | TX          |

3.1.7 应用having过滤器

mysql> select  *
    -> from customers as c
    -> left join orders as o
    -> on c.customer_id = o.customer_id
    -> where = 'HangZhou'
    -> group by c.customer_id
    -> having count(o.order_id) < 2;
| customer_id | city     | order_id | customer_id |
| baidu       | HangZhou |     NULL | NULL        |
| TX          | HangZhou |        6 | TX          |


因为这会把outer join 添加的行 统计入内 而导致最终查询结果与预期结果不同

假如使用 count(*)

mysql>  select c.customer_id, count(*) as total_orders
    ->      from customers as c
    ->     left join orders as o
    ->      on c.customer_id = o.customer_id
    ->     where = 'HangZhou'
    ->      group by c.customer_id
    ->      having count(*) < 2;
| customer_id | total_orders |
| baidu       |            1 |
| TX          |            1 |

tips: 子查询不能作为分组的聚合函数, 如 having count(select ...) <2 是不合法的

3.1.10 应用order by 子句

mysql>  select c.customer_id, count(o.order_id) as total_orders
    -> from customers as c
    -> left join orders as o
    -> on c.customer_id = o.customer_id
    -> where = 'HangZhou'
    -> group by c.customer_id
    -> having count(o.order_id) < 2
    -> order by total_orders desc;
| customer_id | total_orders |
| TX          |            1 |
| baidu       |            0 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

没有order by子句时, 数据并非总是按照主键进行排序的

3.1.11 limit子句

一般分页都用limit n,m, 这种效率是十分低的

3.2 物理查询处理

实际的查询不一定完全按照逻辑处理的步骤实现, mysql会根据索引来优化,

4. 子查询

4.1 子查询概述

4.1.1 子查询的优点和限制

一个子查询会返回单一值、一行、一个列、或一个表, 这些子查询被称为标量, 列, 行和表子查询

4.1.2 使用子查询进行比较


non_subquery_operand comparison_operator (subquery)

comparison_operator 可以是=, >, <, >=, <=, <>


mysql > select * from t1 as t
    where 2 = (select count(*) from t1 where = )

4.1.3 使用any, in, 和some进行子查询


operand comparison_operator any (subquery)

operand in (subquery)

operand comparison_operator some (subquery)

例如: select s1 from t1 where s1 > any (select s1 from t2)

4.1.4 使用all进行子查询


operand comparison_operator all (subquery)

通常包含NULL值的表和空表都是"边缘情况", 在写子查询都要考虑这两种可能

not in 是 <> all的别名

4.2 独立子查询


假如我们知道美国员工有5个, id为1,2,3,4,8


select customer_id
from orders
where employee_id in (1, 2, 3, 4, 8)
group by customer_id
having count(distinct employee_id) = 5


select customer_id
from orders
where employee_id in (select employee_id from employees where country = 'USA')
group by customer_id
having count(distinct employee_id) = (select count(*) from employees where country = 'USA')


select * from orders
where order_date in ( select max(order_date) from orders group by (data_format(order_date, '%Y%M')))


select ... from t1 where t1.a in (select b from t2) 优化未

select ... from t1 where exists ( select 1 from t2 where t2.b =t1.a)

所以我们之前的语句理论上扫行为O(M+N), 但是这样变为相关子查询后扫描就变成了O(N+M*N)


select * from orders as A
where exists 
    ( select * 
        from orders
        group by (data_format(order_date, '%Y%M'))
        having Max(order_data) = A.OrderDat


select  * from orders A
where exists (select * from ( select max(order_data) as order_data from orders 
                                    group by ( data_format(order_data, '%Y%M'))  ) B
                            where A.order_data = B.order_date

虽然这样改了还是相关子查询, 但是减少了外部查询与子查询的匹配次数

4.3 相关子查询

相关子查询: 子查询会对外部查询的每一行进行一次计算


select * from orders as a
where order_date = ( select max(order_date) from orders as b
                        where a.employees_id = b.employees_id)


select a.order_id, b.order_date from orders as a, 
(select employee_id, max(order_date) as order_date from orders
group by employee_id  ) as b
where a.employee_id=b.employee_id and a.order_date = b.order_date

4.4 exists谓词

4.4.1 exists

exists 会认为unknown为false


select customer_id, company_name from
customers as a
where country = 'Spain'
    and exists 
        (select * from orders as b
            where a.customer_id = b.customer_id)

通常不建议在sql中使用*, 但是在exists子查询可以放心使用, 因为exists只关心行是否存在, 而不会去取值

4.4.2 not exists

exists与in的小区别在于, exists总返回true和false, 而in返回true, false, unknown

但在过滤器中 unknown 会被当做false, 所以 in和exists一样, sql优化器会选择相同的执行计划

因为在包含null值时, in 总是返回true和unknown, 那么not in就是总返回false, unknown

而对于not exists 其返回总是true和false, 这就是not in和not exists的区别

mysql> select null not in ('a', 'b', null);
| null not in ('a', 'b', null) |
|                         NULL |

mysql> select 'c'  not in ('a', 'b', null);
| 'c'  not in ('a', 'b', null) |
|                         NULL |


select customer_id, company_name from
customers as a
where country = 'Spain'
    and customer_id not in 
        (select customer_id from orders  )

这个时候 如果orders里没有customer_id为null的行, 则没问题



解决办法可以在子查询增加where过滤NULL的行, 或者使用not exists

4.5 派生表


  • 列的名称必须是唯一的
  • 某些情况不支持limit
mysql> select 'c' as a, 'b' as a ;
| a | a |
| c | b |

mysql> select * from ( select 'c' as a, 'b' as a  ) as t;
ERROR 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'a'


mysql > select customer_id, company_name
    from customers as a
    where customer_id in (select customer_id from orders limit 5);
Error 1235: this is version of mysql doesn't yet support 'Limit & in/all/any/some subquery'

4.6 子查询可以解决的经典问题

4.6.1 行号

mysql> select * from sales;
| empid | mgrid | qty |
| A     | Z     | 300 |
| B     | X     | 100 |
| C     | X     | 200 |
| D     | Y     | 200 |
| E     | Z     | 250 |
| F     | Z     | 300 |
| G     | X     | 100 |
| H     | Y     | 150 |
| I     | X     | 250 |
| J     | Z     | 100 |
| K     | Y     | 200 |


mysql > select empid, 
    (select count(*) from sales as t2
    where t1.empid >= t2.empid) as row_num
from sales as t1


每条记录都需要在子查询进行一次查找, 因为empid已经有索引了

所以第一行需要扫描1行记录, 第N条需要扫描N条记录, 总数为N*(N-1)/2条数据

而如果没有索引, 则需要扫描N^2条

mysql> explain select empid,      (select count(*) from sales as t2     where t1.empid <= t2.empid) as row_num from sales as t1;
| id | select_type        | table | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra                    |
|  1 | PRIMARY            | t1    | index | NULL          | PRIMARY | 42      | NULL |   11 | Using index              |
|  2 | DEPENDENT SUBQUERY | t2    | index | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 42      | NULL |   11 | Using where; Using index |



mysql> select * from 4_6_1_t;
| a    |
| X    |
| X    |
| X    |
| Y    |
| Y    |
| Z    |


> select * from nums;
| a    |
|    1 |
|    2 |
|    3 |
|    4 |
|    5 |
|    6 |
|    7 |
|    8 |
|    9 |


mysql>  select a, count(*) as count,
    ->         (select count(*) from 4_6_1_t as b
    ->             where b.a < a.a ) as smaller
    ->     from 4_6_1_t as a
    ->     group by a;
| a    | count | smaller |
| X    |     3 |       0 |
| Y    |     2 |       3 |
| Z    |     1 |       5 |

然后借助nums表, x需要复制3次, y需要复制2次, z需要复制一次, 来生成最终行号


mysql > select nums.a+smaller as rownum, c.a from (
    select a, count(*) as count,
        (select count(*) from 4_6_1_t as b
            where b.a < a.a ) as smaller
    from 4_6_1_t as a
    group by a
) as c, nums
where nums.a <= count
order by rownum


| rownum | a    |
|      1 | X    |
|      2 | X    |
|      3 | X    |
|      4 | Y    |
|      5 | Y    |
|      6 | Z    |

5. 联接与集合操作

5.1 联接查询





CROSS JOIN 对两个表执行笛卡尔积


  • 产生笛卡尔积
  • 进行ON过滤


  • 产生笛卡尔积
  • 进行ON过滤
  • 对保留表未找到匹配数据的行, 添加进新的虚拟表

outer join 必须制定on, 否则mysql报错

6. 聚合和旋转操作

6.4 Pivoting

6.4.1 开放架构


mysql> select * from 6_4_1_t;
| id | attribute | value      |
|  1 | attr1     | bmw        |
|  1 | attr2     | 100        |
|  1 | attr3     | 2010-01-01 |
|  2 | attr2     | 200        |
|  2 | attr3     | 2010-03-04 |
|  2 | attr4     | M          |
|  2 | attr5     | 50.60      |
|  3 | attr1     | suv        |
|  3 | attr2     | 10         |
|  3 | attr3     | 2011-11-11 |


mysql> select id,
    max(case when attribute='attr1' then value end) as attr1,
    max(case when attribute='attr2' then value end) as attr2,
    max(case when attribute='attr3' then value end) as attr3,
    max(case when attribute='attr4' then value end) as attr4,
    max(case when attribute='attr5' then value end) as attr5
from 6_4_1_t
group by id;

| id | attr1 | attr2 | attr3      | attr4 | attr5 |
|  1 | bmw   | 100   | 2010-01-01 | NULL  | NULL  |
|  2 | NULL  | 200   | 2010-03-04 | M     | 50.60 |
|  3 | suv   | 10    | 2011-11-11 | NULL  | NULL  |

这里的max只是用来取值而已, 用min也是可以的

7 游标

8 事务编程

8.1 事务概述


  • A(atomicity): 原子性
  • C(consistency): 一致性
  • I(isolation): 隔离性
  • D(durability): 持久性

8.4 隐式提交的SQL语句


  • DDL语句: alert table, rename table, truncate table....
  • 隐式地修改MySQL架构的操作, create user ...
  • 管理语句: analyze table, ...


8.7 不好的事务编程习惯

8.7.1 在循环中提交

9 索引

9.1 缓冲池、顺序读取与随机读取

对于innodb存储引擎, 变量innodb_buffer_pool_size决定缓冲池的大小

在innodb存储引擎中, 一个区是连续的64个页

9.2 数据结构和算法

9.2.2 二叉查找树和平衡二叉树


  • 左子树的键值少于根的键值
  • 右子数的键值大于根的键值


  • 二叉查找树
  • 任何节点的两颗子树的高度最大差为1

9.3 B+树

  • 平衡查找树
  • 所有记录节点都按照键值大小放在同一层的叶子节点

9.3.1 B+树的插入操作

Leaf Page是否为满 Index Page是否为满 操作
No No 直接将记录插入到叶子节点
Yes No - 拆分LeafPage
- 将中间的节点放入到Index Page中
- 小于中间节点的记录放在左边
- 大于等于中间节点的放在右边
Yes Yes - 拆分Leaf Page
- 小于中间节点的记录放在左边
- 大于等于中间节点的记录放在右边
- 拆分Index Page
- 小于中间节点的记录放在左边
- 大于中间节点的记录放在右边
- 中间节点放入上一层的Index Page


9.3.2 B+树的删除操作

B+数使用填充因子来控制树的删除变化, 填充因子可设的最小值是50%

叶子节点小于填充因子 中间节点小于填充因子 操作
No No 直接将记录从叶子节点删除, 如果该节点还是Index Page的节点, 用该节点的右节点代替
Yes No 合并叶子节点和他的兄弟节点, 同时更新Index Page
Yes Yes - 合并叶子节点和他的兄弟节点
- 更新Index Page
- 合并Index Page和他的兄弟节点

9.4 B+树索引

在InnoDB索引中, 每个页的大小为16KB

9.4.1 InnoDB B+树索引





9.5 Cardinality

9.5.1 什么是Cardinality

在访问表中很小一部分行时, 使用B+树索引才有意义

对于性别、地区等字段, 没必要添加索引

怎么查看索引是否高选择性, 可以通过show index语句中的cardinality观察

cardinality / n_rows_in_table 应该尽可能解决1, 如果非常小, 则考虑是否要建索引

9.5.2 InnoDB 存储引擎怎么统计Cardinality


  • 表中1/16数据已变化
  • stat_modified_counter > 2 000 000 000



  • 取得B+树索引中叶节点的数量即为A
  • 随机取得B+树索引中的8个叶节点, 统计每个页不同记录的个数, P1, P2 ...P8
  • 返回(P1+P2+...P8)*A/8

9.6 B+树索引的使用

9.6.2 联合索引


create table t (
    a int,
    b, int,
    primary key (a),
    key idx_a_b (a, b)
) engine = innodb

对于 查询select * from table where a =xxx and b=xxx 显然是可以使用(a,b)这个联合索引的




create table 9_6_2_buy_log (
    userid int unsigned not null,
    buy_date date
) engine = innodb;

insert into 9_6_2_buy_log values (1, '2009-01-01');
insert into 9_6_2_buy_log values (2, '2009-01-01');
insert into 9_6_2_buy_log values (3, '2009-01-01');
insert into 9_6_2_buy_log values (1, '2009-02-01');
insert into 9_6_2_buy_log values (3, '2009-02-01');
insert into 9_6_2_buy_log values (1, '2009-03-01');
insert into 9_6_2_buy_log values (1, '2009-04-01');

alter table 9_6_2_buy_log add key ( userid );
alter table 9_6_2_buy_log add key (userid, buy_date);


mysql> explain select * from 9_6_2_buy_log where userid=2;
| id | select_type | table         | type | possible_keys   | key    | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | 9_6_2_buy_log | ref  | userid,userid_2 | userid | 4       | const |    1 |       |
  • possible_keys 表示有两个可用的索引
  • 哟与花旗最终选择了key为userid的索引


mysql>  explain select * from 9_6_2_buy_log where userid=1 order by buy_date ;
| id | select_type | table         | type | possible_keys   | key      | key_len | ref   | rows | Extra                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | 9_6_2_buy_log | ref  | userid,userid_2 | userid_2 | 4       | const |    4 | Using where; Using index |

因为用这个索引的 buy_date是排好序的, 无需对buy_date进行再次排序

9.6.3 覆盖索引

覆盖索引: 从辅助索引就可以得到查询的记录, 而不需要查询聚集索引中的记录


mysql> explain select count(*) from 9_6_2_buy_log ;
| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys | key    | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | 9_6_2_buy_log | index | NULL          | userid | 4       | NULL |    7 | Using index |

possible_key为null, 但是优化器还是选择了userid的索引, Extra的Using index 代表了优化器进行了覆盖索引操作

一般对于(a,b)这样的联合索引, 一般不可以选择b列为查询条件的, 但是对于统计操作, 如果是覆盖索引, 则优化器会进行选择

mysql> explain select count(*) from 9_6_2_buy_log where buy_date >='2011-01-01';
| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys | key      | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | 9_6_2_buy_log | index | NULL          | userid_2 | 8       | NULL |    7 | Using where; Using index |

9.6.4 优化器选择不适用索引的情况

mysql > select * from orderdetails
    where orderid>10000 and orderid< 102000

在这种查询条件, 即使有orderid的单个索引,

sql优化器并不会按照orderId的索引来查找数据, 而是通过primary聚集索引

因为orderid索引不能覆盖到我们要查找的信息, 还需要对orderid索引进行查询后, 再去聚合索引里找信息

虽然orderid索引是有序的, 但是再去找聚合所以就是无序的

当访问数据量很少的时候 还是会选择辅助索引, 而当访问很大数据量时(一般是20%左右), 优化器会选择通过聚集索引来查找数据


mysql > select * from orderdetails force index(orderId)
    where orderid>10000 and orderid< 102000

9.6.5 index hint


create table 9_6_5_t (
    a int,
    b int,
    key (a),
    key (b)
) engine = innodb;

insert into 9_6_5_t  select 1, 1;
insert into 9_6_5_t  select 1, 2;
insert into 9_6_5_t  select 2, 3;
insert into 9_6_5_t  select 2, 4;
insert into 9_6_5_t  select 1, 2;
mysql> explain select * from  9_6_5_t where a=1 and b=2;
| id | select_type | table   | type        | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra                                          |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | 9_6_5_t | index_merge | a,b           | b,a  | 5,5     | NULL |    1 | Using intersect(b,a); Using where; Using index |

Using intersect(b,a)表示根据两个索引得到的结果进行求交的运算

使用 use index进行index hint

mysql> explain select * from  9_6_5_t use index(a) where a=1 and b=2;
| id | select_type | table   | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | 9_6_5_t | ALL  | a             | NULL | NULL    | NULL |    5 | Using where |

优化器并不一定会按照我们的用a的index, 而使用了扫表的方式

如果要强制则需要使用 force index

index hit语法

tbl_name[ [as] alias ] [index_hint_list]
index_hint [, index_hint] ...
use {index|key}
[{for {join|order by| group by}] ([index_List])
| ignore {index|key}
[{for {join|order by| group by}] ([index_List])
| force {index|key}
[{for {join|order by| group by}] ([index_List])
index_name [, index_name]...

9.7 Multi-Range Read

MRR优化的目的: 减少磁盘的随机访问, 并且将随机访问转换为较为顺序的数据访问

MRR优化适用于: range, ref, eq_ref类型的查询


  • 使得数据访问变得更为顺序. 在查询辅助索引时, 先对得到的查询结果按照主键进行排序
  • 减少缓存池中页被替换的次数
  • 批量处理对键值的查询操作

对于范围查询和联结查询, MRR的工作方式如下

  • 对查询得到的辅助索引键值存放于一个缓存中, 这时缓存中的数据根据辅助索引键值排序的
  • 将缓存中的键值根据RowID排序
  • 根据RowId的排序来访问时机的文件数据

如果缓冲池不是足够大, 放不下一张表的所有数据, 此时频繁的离散读取操作还会导致缓存中的页替换出缓存池, 然后又不断的写入缓冲池. 若按照主键顺序来访问, 则可以将重复行为的次数降到最低

select * from salaries 
where key_part1 >= 1000 and key_part1 < 2000
and key_part2 = 10000;

表中有(key_part1, key_part2)的联合索引

如果没开启MRR, sql优化器会先找出 key_part1 >= 1000 and key_part1 < 2000, 然后在过滤key_part2 = 10000

如果开启了MRR, sql会先将查询条件拆分为(1000, 10000), (1001, 10000)...(1999, 10000)然后再进行查询

是否启用MRR优化可以通过参数optimizer_switch中的标记(flag)来控制, 当启用mrr为on时, 表示启用mrr

mrr_const_based标记表示是否通过const based的方式来启用mrr, 如果mrr设为0, mrr_const_based设置为off, 则总是启用mrr

mysql > set @@optimizer_switch='mrr=on,mrr_const_based=off'

read_rnd_buffer_size来控制键值的缓冲区大小 默认为256kb

9.8 Index Condition Pushdown

ICP优化支出range, ref, eq_ref, ref_or_null类型的语句

不适用ICP时, MySQL根据索引来查找数据, 然后根据where条件来过滤记录

启用了ICP时, mysql在取出索引的同时, 判断是否可以进行where进行过滤, 即将where的部分过滤操作放在了存储引擎层, 大大减少上层SQL层对于记录的索取(fetch), 从而提高了效率

10 分区

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